3D Aluminum Mold Samples

Size: 450 x 150 x 60 (mm)
Size: 480 x 250 x 120 (mm)
Machining time: 36hours 50minutes
Machine time: 48hours 25minuters

Size: 560 x 250 x 60 (mm)
Size: 34 x 17 x 10 (mm) Size:
30 x 110 x 12 (mm)
Machining time: 34hours 15minutes
Machining time: 4hours
Machining time: 18minutes

Scanning &
Milling with scale size
Size: 89 x 65 x 6 (mm)
Size: 30 x 40 x 4 (mm)
Scanning time: 3hours 10minutes
Scanning time: 2hours 50minutes

Size: 78 x 49 x 8 (mm)
Size: 916 x 356 x 200 (mm)
Scanning time: 4hours 20minutes
Scanning time: 18hours
Size: 22 x 45 x 2
Scanning time: 3hours
The scanning time is
depend on the scanning resolution.
Other samples

NC file from ArtCam DXF
file from AutoCad
TAP file from Type3
stainless steel

Glass engraving
Brass engrave after photo scanning
Clothes labels
Metal Parts of machines

3000 x 1700 mm Floating

Stone Engraving

PCB Routing

Scan and Copy

Laser Cutting and Engraving

DC Servo Drive Robot Arm